Writing are thoughts put down in ink; thoughts with structure and unsayability. Writing takes thoughts from their airiness in your head and forces you to look at them squarely.
For me, writing is my safe spot; a place where I can get all the troubles, worries, frustrations, embarrassing moments out with no one to laugh at me but myself. Sometimes, actually most of the time it is in the form of journaling, other times weird poems and rarer still stories.
I write best when I write just for me. It's so true: dance like no one is watching, in this case, write like no one is watching. The minute I think about sharing my work with friends or even putting it up on a blog, I suddenly don't have anything good enough. Each piece gets shredded, dissected until its nothing and I just leave the whole thing to rot. After all who would want to read what I've got to say?
And that's the thing: why would someone want to read what I've written? I'm not always the most logical person. I resay things; I chop and mix up my logic; I'm too describe-y; I say too much. There are things that I've written, that I laugh over, that reminds me of that day when I was feeling really giddy and silly and I wrote that story. I laugh, I cry, I think. I watch myself grow, flail and yes even die in those pages. so why don't I just the whole lot? Because I'm everything that I've written.
My writing might not be Harper Lee's or amazing or even awe-strikingly wonderful. But it's me: chatty, too describe-y, repetitive at times but all me!
But even if my writing isn't perfect, it doesn't mean I don't have anything to say, because I do! :) I want to write about the books I'm reading. I just finished 'To Kill a Mockingbird" by H. Lee and it was beautifully crafted and thought-provoking; if you haven't read it yet, move it up your reading list. I want to talk, tell things, hear from other people - share my love of writing and reading.
I'm not going to edit this too much. I'm just going to put it out there.